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Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

We specialize in supporting our clients in overcoming outdated psychological patterns or adaptations that hinder their well-being. Our comprehensive services include specialized therapy protocols designed for efficient healing while using sublingual Ketamine medication.

We believe that healing facilitated by psychedelic medicine is inherently within everyone, with the medicine serving as a catalyst. However, utilizing the insights gained from these experiences requires active engagement and effort. Psychedelic medicines are utilized to address trauma, enhance creativity, problem-solving abilities, and foster spiritual exploration, yet the potential of these experiences can be overlooked.

We refer to this approach as "chemical-assisted psychotherapy." Every thought in the brain originates as a chemical reaction, forming ingrained neural pathways through repetition. These pathways shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, ultimately defining our sense of self.

We prioritize maximizing every aspect of our clients’ experiences to promote greater wellness. We believe in the transformative power of real change, ensuring our clients have access to the joy and possibilities that come with a better life.

Why KAP?

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) has emerged as a promising approach for promoting inner healing and integration, aligning closely with the principles of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy. KAP facilitates the integration of the Self and the healing of fragmented parts of the internal system by inducing altered states of consciousness that allow individuals to access deeper levels of awareness and insight.

In KAP sessions, ketamine, a psychedelic substance, is administered under the supervision of trained therapists in a supportive and therapeutic environment. Ketamine's unique pharmacological properties can induce profound alterations in consciousness, including ego dissolution and dissociation, which may facilitate the exploration of the inner landscape and the reintegration of fragmented aspects of the self.

The integration of the Self in KAP is facilitated by the experience of the "inner healer," a state of consciousness characterized by the qualities of the eight C's of IFS: calmness, curiosity, compassion, clarity, confidence, courage, creativity, and connectedness. Under the influence of ketamine, individuals may experience a heightened sense of self-awareness, empathy, and interconnectedness with themselves and others, fostering a deeper understanding of their inner dynamics and promoting self-compassion and acceptance.

Furthermore, KAP sessions provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore and process unresolved emotional wounds, traumas, and limiting beliefs. By accessing altered states of consciousness, individuals may gain insights into the origins and underlying patterns of their emotional distress, allowing for the release and integration of trapped emotions and memories.

Integrating and befriending the self, from the lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS), are integral aspects of achieving inner harmony and psychological well-being. In IFS, the concept of the Self refers to a core, unburdened state of consciousness characterized by calmness, curiosity, compassion, clarity, confidence, courage, creativity, and connectedness—the eight C's.

Integrated Self refers to the state in which all parts of the internal system are harmoniously aligned and in communication with the Self. When the Self is integrated, it can effectively lead, guide, and nurture all parts of the internal system, fostering a sense of balance, coherence, and wholeness. Integrated Self embodies the qualities of the eight C's, providing a stable foundation for navigating life's challenges and opportunities.

Befriending Self involves cultivating a compassionate and accepting relationship with all parts of the internal system, including those that may carry burdens or wounds. It entails developing a nonjudgmental attitude towards oneself and fostering self-compassion, kindness, and understanding towards one's experiences and emotions. Befriending Self allows for the healing and transformation of wounded parts, promoting inner healing, resilience, and growth.

From an IFS perspective, integrating and befriending Self is crucial for several reasons:


1. Healing and Integration: Integrated Self serves as a healing presence, facilitating the integration of fragmented parts and resolving inner conflicts. By embodying the qualities of the eight C's, Integrated Self creates an internal environment conducive to healing, growth, and transformation.


2. Emotional Regulation: Befriending Self promotes emotional regulation by providing a compassionate and nurturing presence for wounded parts. Through self-compassion and acceptance, individuals can effectively soothe and comfort themselves during times of distress, reducing emotional reactivity and promoting emotional resilience.


3. Self-Leadership: Integrated and befriending Self empower individuals to become effective self-leaders, guiding and supporting themselves through life's challenges. By embodying the qualities of clarity, courage, and confidence, individuals can make wise decisions, set healthy boundaries, and navigate relationships and situations with integrity and authenticity.


4. Authenticity and Connection: Integrated and befriending Self fosters authenticity and connection by allowing individuals to show up fully and authentically in their relationships and interactions. When individuals are aligned with their core Self, they can engage with others from a place of openness, vulnerability, and genuine connection.

Integrating and befriending Self are essential components of psychological well-being and personal growth. By cultivating these aspects of the Self, individuals can experience greater inner harmony, resilience, and authenticity, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) offers a unique opportunity for individuals to integrate the Self and heal fragmented parts of the internal system, aligning closely with the principles of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy. Through the integration of the eight C's of IFS, KAP facilitates inner healing and transformation, promoting greater self-awareness, self-compassion, and emotional resilience.

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What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a medication known for its use in surgeries and for pain relief. It works by essentially disconnecting the brain from the body, making you feel a bit spaced out.

But here's the interesting part: researchers have found that using ketamine in smaller doses, and under careful supervision, can help some people dealing with depression, PTSD, and mood issues, especially if other treatments haven't brought symptoms to resolution. A new option is now on the table for those struggling with mental health.

Of course, like any medication, there are potential side effects to watch out for, like feeling a bit out of sorts or experiencing changes in how your body feels. That's why it's crucial to have a doctor or medical professional overseeing things if you're considering KAP.

What You Can Expect

  1. You will choose a preferred prescriber from our list of likeminded professionals.

  2. You will meet with them for an intake and assessment and be provided with your prescription for your sublingual troches.

  3. Schedule with your therapist (2 hour appointments).

  4. Complete your consent for treatment in our portal (sent by our client coordinator)

  5. Obtain your medication from the pharmacy and bring with you to your scheduled KAP appointment with your provider.                                                                **(Be sure to arrange transportation as you can not drive for the remainder of the day)

  6. Wear comfortable clothing.

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Our Training and Treatment Team

At Infinite Healing and Wellness, we believe that we can only take our clients as far as we are willing to go ourselves. Due to this philosophy, offering this treatment comes with tremendous responsibility. We sought out training from Resilience Behavioral Health Solutions, as the approach in which they specialize, and support (non-IV KAP), is most in-line with our clinical approach and treatment values. This training was four days and included two experiential sessions which offered our team the opportunity to explore our own personal work through KAP.

Our preferred prescribers have been trained by Jennifer Montjoy, at Resilience, and will support the protocol and approach that our providers have also been trained to implement.

Our trained clinicians participate in on-going consultation to assure your highest level of care.

Therapists that are currently offering KAP are: Kelly O’Horo, Julie Russomanno, Bianca Giurgiu, Victoria Brandt, Carlyn Parker, Erin Steck, Kyle Payne, & Patrick O’Horo.

More about our training here: Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Training | Accredited for Clinicians — Resilience (

More about our Trainers

With over 16 years of experience in both inpatient and outpatient settings, Jennifer Montjoy brings an integrated, holistic approach to her private practice and trainings. For the past 7 years, she has served as an integrative psychiatric provider.

Jennifer holds a Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, specializing in biobehavioral neuroscience. Her doctoral research focused on Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) and its clinical outcomes and impact on self-transcendence in depression and PTSD, making a significant contribution to the field of psychotherapeutic psychedelic research.

For more in depth scientific information watch this Podcast by Andrew Huberman:

Ketamine: Benefits and Risks for Depression, PTSD & Neuroplasticity


Investment: Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is offered at $50 per hour in addition to the base hourly fee of individual clinician. In most cases 5-6 sessions is recommended and 2-hour sessions are required.

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